Saturday, December 12, 2009

So I am trying to find some work to do at home while I continue at the bank.  I found a company West at Home, legitimate and approved by the BBB.  All you need is a land line and high speed internet.  I finished the application process and paperwork process.  I'm just awaiting on my training now.  It will be great for extra income.  If Mike every gets on at a police department I will have to stay at home with the kids so maybe I will be established by then.  For now I'm just stressed... stressed with all the things I need to do all the time!!!  Christmas time is always stressful it seems.  This year our finances are about half of what they were last year.  Last year was a good year.  But I'm blessed to have a good job and have everything I need and a little extra.  My children are happy and my husband is loyal and wonderful.  There isn't much more I can ask for.  It just seems I have all these little things to do, not to mention the tons of schoolwork that seems to pile up!!!!  I can't wait from my holiday break from school!  I feel like I miss out on so much of the kids lives by working away from the home.  It really depresses me.  Mike has been wonderful with the kids, but I am seriously jealous that he gets more time with them then I do!!!  I miss them so much when I'm at work!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sick day

Well I called in sick today.  I have a horrible cold!  Grayson had it first and I think he has passed it on to Aubrey and I.  It is giving me some time to reflect though...
I haven't posted in a while because I knew that thinking about things would make me think about Gomer.  We lost him a few weeks ago and it has been painful for me.  I know people don't care about pets as much as I might, but he really was like part of the family.  I've had him for 5 years.  The worst part is how he died.  Mike and I decided to go get some Bravo's in Mullins.  I took Gomer in the car with me, which is weird because normally Kay Kay is my car riding dog, but anyways, we picked up our food and headed home.  Gomer fell asleep in my lap.  We have a gate on our property so Mike gets out to open it.  Then he pulls the car through to close the gate.  I let Gomer out of the car so he could play with the other dogs.  Mike didn't know and then just pulls the car to park it.  Gomer was underneath.  I felt us run over him.  I got out and ran to him.  His heart was still beating and I kept my hand there for a few seconds and felt it stop.  I sat out there with him for a while before letting Mike near him.  Mike was very upset and stood in the yard crying for a long time.  He buried him and we all went out and said goodbye.  I was sick and still am over it.  I miss him so much....

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Before I even start I need to make a correction to my last blog. The fictional blog I mentioned is actually I think I wrote it wrong.
Anyways... The past two nights I have had more issues with my stomach. I thought the supplements were helping, but maybe not. The pain is excruciating and I hate having to literally RUN to the bathroom.  It's so hard to live a normal life when you have to deal with stomach issues like this.  I go to the chiropractor on Thursday so hopefully he can help me notice a pattern in the food journal I have been keeping.  I don't notice any patterns or any certain foods that set me off.  It seems like anything can set me off.
School is kicking my butt right now!  I am taking a Human Resource Management class and it is just so much information and the teacher is very particular about how things are done.  On top of all of that I have an extreme overachiever in my learning team group for the class that must have nothing other to do than schoolwork.  He can't have a job or kids or anything because all he does is post in our group forum online and demand us to do all kinds of work.  He has even called me at like 11 at night.  Crazy right?  But at least I only have one more week left of this class and then on to a Crimonology class.  I think I will probably enjoy that a lot better.

I saw the movie Paranormal Activity last weekend and I swear I have been totally freaked out to sleep at night.  I love horror movies, and rarely ever get scared by them but this movie just totally has me freaked out!  I think it's because I believe something like that could really happen.  Anyways I'm just forewarning everyone, it is scary!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Another shooting?

I can't believe that there is another shooting in the news! My thoughts and prayers were already going out to those families in Texas where the psycho doctor shot up the millitary base, but not some crazy guy has shot up his old workplace in Orlando! What is wrong with people? Was the full moon extended this month or something? I always have wondered what makes people flip like that? What do you have to have inside of you to make you take another life from this earth? I mean I could kill someone if they were trying to hurt me or my children, but that would be justified. How do you just walk in a room and start shooting people for no good reason?
Anyways in other news... I've got Treva's confessions going and you can check it out here at Let me know what you think. It is a fictional blog about a young girl living and working in Myrtle Beach.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

PED, Dentist, and other

So today was a busy day for my day off. I had to get up and take Aubrey to the PED. She was going in for her 6 month checkup and shots... well shot since we space our shots out. I think it is ignorant to vaccinate your child when you don't even know what they are getting, but that is a rant for another day. She is doing well and weighed 16.1 lbs:) She didn't even cry when she got her one shot.
After Aubrey's visit, I had to run home and exchange kids with Mike. So now I have Grayson and Koulston in the car with me and I take them to their first ever dentist appointment. I asked who wanted to go first and Koulston volunteered. The hygenist barely got the thing in his mouth before he started screaming! He acted like they were killing him and I don't think anything had even touched his teach yet. Needless to say, the dentist never even got to look at his teeth because he was so traumatized! Grayson did well though. He had no cavities! Whoo hoo! I was actually suprised since his diet would be all sweets if I had no intervention.
So anyways, while I'm in the dentist office before the chaos there was this little old lady in there. She was telling someone a story about something in her past and I could tell the person was not interested it all. I started thinking... "One day I'm going to be this old lady." I think we should all make a better effort to listen to our elders because one day it will be us! Some of the best wisdom is hiding in the most unlikely places!
The rest of my day consisted of a bunch of research for my Human Resource class. I swear that class has been the hardest I've taken at UoP! But, in all fairness, I probably have learned a whole lot! I need a good challenge once in a while.
Now I am going to go and try to fight the urge to play Bejeweled Blitz all night and get some sleep so I can function at work tomorrow! Woodforest Bank doesn't pay me to be sleeping on the job.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Healthier.. No wait Pizza!

So I decided to start blogging again and couldn't find the old blog site I used to use so I stole the one a friend on facebook uses. Yes I'm a thief. Anyways today I started some new supplements that the Chiropractor I see recommends. Hopefully they are going to be the start of a healthier me! I've been battling horrible stomach issues for the past 3.5 years since having my gall bladder out and I finally have someone who is willing to help me! I started one of the supplements, A-F Betafood, last week and already noticed a difference with that. Hopefully the others will help even more! Carbs have been my go to food for so long since they are the only thing that doesn't send me running to the bathroom, I will be glad to get back to eating healthier. I know that has made me put on weight and I really want to lose it.
Aubrey is 6.5 months old now and has gotten her first couple of teeth in in the past few weeks. It has made nursing a little scarier, but we are still going strong. I can't believe how fast she is growing. It seems like this year has just flown by! A co-worker mentioned the other day that we really only have a few more pay checks until Christmas. It really hit me then that i have to get my ass in gear and get shopping! I don't know what to get anyone this year. I just bought dear hubby a TomTom GPS for his birthday that is next week so now I don't have a clue what to get him for Christmas. He buys everything he wants, so that makes it hard to get anything. He loves guns and the accessories that go along with it, but he is so pick about that stuff that I would hate to get him something and then he not use it or want it. KWIM? The kids are usually not hard to buy for. I will probably do their stuff soon.
And as for me, if anyone asks I want a Tens Unit. I told DH to get me that. LOL! They are the best thing every. I could also do with some new fluffy big towels and nice high thread count sheets. :) But don't you know, mom always comes last!

side note: here is the brand of supplements I'm using... they rock1